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About this programme


Working with you 1:1 to conduct a comprehensive deep dive into you and your business.

Let’s find the problems and
generate solutions to get you on the right track.

Giving you a
clear roadmap to success with a 12 month business plan and actionable goals.

The support continues with
accountability calls weekly for 4 weeks after the half day session!

Having a coach who will give you support, focus, accountability and keep you on track is crucial to your success.

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Comprehensive business deep dive session

In depth pre-session assessment
4 x weekly Accountability Calls (15 minutes)

Clear actionable 12 month plan
Ongoing messaging support for 4 weeks


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Book today!

The Half Day Business Deep Dive WILL get you results and a guaranteed return on your investment!


Do you need a coach who has a solid track record of building, scaling, and exiting 7-figure businesses? Who can help people just like you who might feel overwhelmed and are looking to keep their business on track, looking to elevate or transform the business to new levels.

This deep dive session will challenge your thinking, enhance your goals AND help you build a 6 or 7 figure business!

You have two options:

- Get started using the BOOK NOW button below!

- Book a call (30 minutes) to discuss the half day session in further detail.

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If you do not achieve a return on your investment within 12 months, I will continue working with you until you DO!

I guarantee that you will make a return on your investment with this session, however if you haven’t managed it after 12 months, I will personally coach you 1:1 every week until you get your full return on investment.

The goal is to continue the 100% success rate to boost revenue & get you RESULTS!

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Do I have to stay with you forever?

No! You will achieve the goals we set out as part of The Business Elevator Programme.


Results are seen in as little as 90 days using my proven 5 Step coaching programme.

After that, you will have transformed your business and be able to continue on your journey.

Does your programme work?

I currently have a 100% success rate with the businesses and brands that I work with!


They experience a significant increase in revenue and progress to a point where they no longer feel stressed & overwhelmed.


In fact, there are some incredible success stories where clients have witnessed profit increases of 300% or more!

Will you be my business partner?

In some cases, individuals may work with me as an alternative to having a business partner. However, you are the one in control. You have the power to make all the decisions and oversee the work.


While I can certainly offer assistance with strategies, I won't be the one executing them.


I can suggest some excellent and trusted professionals for you to outsource tasks in areas that your require those services.

Can you come to my office for a day?

This programme is a virtual programme accessable from anywhere in the World.
It's flexible, so you can even login when you are on your business trips!

I don't have much money, can I book one session?

No, I do not offer one off sessions.


Consistency is crucial to the success of the programme.

Our regular sessions will be invaluable in keeping you on track to achieve the goals we set.


This is a proven programme that WILL get you results!!

Can we talk before I commit?

Yes, we must!


I only work select clients and part of our initial transformation call will be to determine that we are the right fit for each other and that this programme is RIGHT for you!

I've just started my business can you help?

Yes, many of my coaching clients have expressed how they wished that they had started with me sooner, having gone in the wrong direction with their business.


I've got a proven track record in business having built, branded and scaled many of my own businesses and know some crucial ways to find success and things that you should avoid along the way.


Working with start ups and freelancers is something I have a great passion for, book a call and let's discuss your exciting plans!

Why are you different to everyone else?

Great question! My business coaching technique stands out from the crowd because it's a vibrant blend of personality, practicality, and proven results.

Unlike the more traditional, stiff suited approach, I will bring a refreshing dose of fun and great personality to the table.


I understand that coaching isn't just about shouting out advice from a distance; it's about getting my hands dirty, diving in, and working side by side with my clients to achieve success.


It's this hands on and high energy approach which sets me apart from others.

I offer up a collaborative environment where you will feel empowered to explore, experiment, and ultimately excel.


I engage with you on a personal level, building trust, rapport, and a genuine connection that transcends the typical coach/client dynamic.

I am not just your coach; I will be celebrating every win through your transformation, guiding you toward your fullest potential with passion, authenticity, and a whole lot of fun along the way.

Do you just work with Men?

Absolutely not, many of my coaching clients are ladies.


In fact over 60% of my previous clients are women who have achieved insane results.

I'm proud to work with all genders, ages and nationalities!

Have more questions?
Book a call and lets talk...

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